10 tips to make a good picture:
1: don't run out of film. 2: don't leave your camera
at home, in the car etc. haha...carry it as possible as you can! 3: try more angle before you pull your trigger. 4:
keep your eyes open and connected to your brain. 5: study photographs wherever you find them, especially if they are being
used to sell something. 6: don't be afraid to copy a style you like, but try to add something of your own to it. 7:
a weak image will look better if you make it bigger.(maybe) 8: eat your culls. and cull a lot! 9: don't stay inside
when the weather is bad. 10: know the weather and light of your area, and keep an eye open for something interesting.
Here's link to some photography's website
Some 3D pictures...nice to see!!
Bryan Lemasters Photography - Landscape Gallery